Monday, October 12, 2020

10 Movies to Scare You and Your Kids (Half of them are Disney!!!)



10 Movies to Scare You and Your Kids  

                Halloween is quickly approaching and things being what they are right now, a lot of people may find themselves at home this Halloween.  There will be a lot of kids at home as well and maybe you’re looking for something scary to watch but are wary of exposing them to something that they may not be ready for.

                Horror is not just an adult entertainment. Being scared is a part of the human experience, and even fun sometimes. Why else ride a roller coaster? Fear is a normal, universal, human emotion. Horror gives kids a chance to feel and express those emotions in a safe, controlled setting. What better time to explore those emotions than on Halloween?  

Even if you don’t have young children, there are other times when it might be useful to have some kid-safe horror movies. Maybe you’re a teacher or a librarian and you are looking for something meaningful with which to entertain kids. Or maybe, like Laurie Strode, you’ll be babysitting someone this Halloween and would like to enjoy a horror movie or two without having to worry about angry parents afterward.

                If you’re just looking for something that’s “kid safe” (i.e. no nudity, minimal profanity or gore) there are a few general things you can keep in mind. Generally, anything made before 1970 is “safe”. This is not always true but it’s usually true (Rosemary’s Baby was made in 1968 and I definitely wouldn’t show that to kids). The 70s was the era when sex and violence really took off in horror movies. Even Hammer Studios, who was always pushing the envelope, held off on most of the sex and blood until 1970.  Any of the old Universal Horror movies are safe and anything in the Godzilla franchise is safe.

                But something being “safe” for kids is not the same as being appropriate or even entertaining for kids. Creating something that is both scary and accessible to kids is not easy. Kid brains aren’t adult brains. They think much more concretely than adults so subtle context and implications may be lost on them. Kids also lack the decades of adult life experience that allow us to quickly categorize and dismiss new situations. Any new experience is likely to captivate a kid as they try to make sense of it. On the other hand, kids haven’t developed adult cynicism and the firm adult belief that one’s perceptions are all encompassing. Kids are much more likely to accept the fantastic at face value and without skepticism.



        I should also say that there are a lot of Halloween themed kid friendly movies out there. I mean, who isn’t going to watch Hocus Pocus this season?  But in the list that follows are movies actually designed to be scary. At the end of each review I tell you where to find the film. If you don’t have time to order and wait for a DVD there is good news; most of them can be found on streaming. You’ll notice that several of these movies are made by Disney. If your only knowledge of Disney is from the last 30 years, you may be surprised at some of the gems hidden away in their vault. Disney today may be a multi-billion dollar corporation, but they used to be very experimental, especially in the 1980s. Of course, in the 80s they could make movies like this without worrying that they might anger some group that would launch a social media campaign against them. Remember, Disney once made a movie, starring Bill Cosby, about children selling their souls to the Devil! Well, times change, I guess.

                One more thing about the appropriateness of these films; all children are different. Kids mature at different rates. It’s not possible to specifically say something is appropriate for all 8 years olds. And what actively engages one kid may utterly bore another. I’ve rated these movies with a very informal and fluid scale. “All ages” are movies that I think are safe to show any kid, no matter how old they are. “Older children and teens” are films that feature themes that may be over the head or too mature for young children but would be OK for older kids. I’ve tried to tell you enough about the film for you to decide if it’s right for the kids you have in mind. Toward the end are movies that I reserved only for teens. It’s not that I think children shouldn’t see these films, but be mindful of the situation and the maturity of the child.


-The Black Cauldron (1985)- This animated Disney film is an adaptation of the first two books of The Chronicles of Prydain series by Lloyd Alexander. The Horned King is a sorcerous villain trying to gain control of The Black Cauldron, an ancient relic powered by the evil spirit of a dead king. Possession of this cauldron will allow its owner to raise an undead army. His scheme is thwarted by a motley crew that includes, a princess, a swineherd, an ageing bard, and a mischievous hairy beast.

                This is not horror but it is dark fantasy. It does however, have lots of scary visuals and, at times, a dark atmosphere that will help get you in the Halloween mood. This is a Disney cartoon so there is a complete lack of nudity, profanity, or gore making it appropriate for even the youngest viewer. However, it has plenty of high adventure to keep it interesting.

                Fans of cinema will appreciate its cast of voice actors which includes John Hurt (Alien, Hellboy, Harry Potter), John Byner (Transylvania 6500, Wishmaster), Nigel Hawthorne (Watership Down, Demolition Man), Phil Fondacaro (Willow, Bordello of Blood) and Freddie Jones (Satanic Rites of Dracula, Dune, Krull).

Age appropriateness- All ages

Where to find it- DVD, Disney + and several other pay to view streaming services.


-Return to Oz (1985)- This Disney film is a kind of sequel to the original classic but the name is all they have in common. The difference in tone couldn’t be more drastic. This film is actually an adaptation of the 2nd and 3rd Oz novels, The Marvelous Land of Oz and Ozma of Oz.

                It picks up a year after the first film. Dorothy is back in Kansas and no one believes her about her trip to Oz. She can’t sleep anymore, thinking about Oz, and her aunt and uncle decide it’s time for intervention. They take her to a doctor who will use electric shock to get rid of all those pesky fantasies.

                Before that can happen she escapes to Oz but it is not how she left it. The Emerald City has been decimated. Its citizens, including the Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion have been turned to stone. The Scarecrow has been kidnapped by an evil being called the Nome King. A new witch, one with detachable, interchangeable heads, leads an army of maniacal cyclists.

                There is a complete lack of profanity or sex so theoretically it’s safe for all ages. This film can be disturbing in places though. It’s definitely dark fantasy and at times outright horror. It’s a great Halloween film for anyone that’s a fan of The Wizard of Oz.

                Adults will appreciate the cast. Nicol Williamson (from Exorcist 3 but known to most as Merlin from Excalibur) stars as the evil Nome King.  The real attraction here though is an impossibly young Fairuza Balk as Dorothy. She sells it really well and you can see her talent even though she was only 10 years old. This might be a nice companion piece to watch with The Craft.

Age appropriateness- All ages

Where to find it- DVD and Blu-Ray. DVD and  Disney+



-Black Hole (1979)- One of the few Disney science fiction films, and one of the few films on this list not based on a book. A group of space explorers run across a starship that was thought to be long lost. It sits, precariously, on the event horizon of a black hole threatening to pull it in.

                The ship only has one surviving member; Dr. Hans Reinhardt, a once brilliant scientist now apparently gone mad.  The rest of the ship is filled with faceless drones and robots. Reinhardt’s chief servant is a rather satanic looking robot called Maximillian. Reinhardt plans to pilot the ship into the black hole, believing that he has found a way to navigate through it.

                While this sounds like a typical sci-fi premise, this film is filled with dark and scary imagery such as when Maximillian dispatches someone with his rotating blades. The ending of the film is especially disturbing when we see what looks like Hell on the other side of the Black Hole. The film originally got a PG rating for some profanity and violence. I’d say the imagery itself is the thing to be aware of. This would be an excellent Halloween film for any young science fiction fan that you may know.

                It has a great cast of top actors from the era including Earnest Borgnine (The Devil’s Rain, The Wild Bunch), Robert Forester (Alligator, Jackie Brown),  Maximilian Schell (A Bridge too Far, John Carpenter’s Vampires) and Norman Bates himself, Anthony Perkins. Of special note are the voices of two of the robots; Slim Pickens (Dr. Strangelove, The Howling) and Roddy McDowell (Planet of the Apes, Fright Night).

Age appropriateness- All ages but may need some guidance with younger viewers.

Where to find it-Blu-Ray and Disney+

Want to know more? Read a review here.

-Watcher in the Woods (1980)- Yet another Disney movie from the early 80s, this one is based on the book of the same name by Florence Engel Randall .

Jan is the oldest daughter in a family that has just taken up residence in an English manor with a gloomy, eccentric old woman (played by Bettie Davis). Almost immediately Jan experiences supernatural phenomenon including visions of a girl her age, trapped and blind folded.

                Her investigation into these occurrences unravel a Lovecraftian mystery including an alien presence lurking in the woods, alternate dimensions and children performing occult rituals. There is absolutely no sex, profanity or gore. Despite this, this film is so abstract that I think it would be over the heads of most children (and many adults for that matter). However, for a precocious older child or teen who likes the bizarre or mysterious, this might be a very engaging movie,

                Adults might recognize several of the cast members. Obviously there is Bettie Davis. The lead role of Jan is played by Lynn-Holly Johnson from Ice Castles and the Bond film, For Your Eyes Only.  Kyle Richards plays her younger sister. She appeared in Tobe Hooper’s Eaten Alive, The Car, Halloween, and is starring in the upcoming Halloween Kills. She is also, interestingly, Paris Hilton’s aunt. David McCallum plays the father. He’s best known for his role as Illya Kuryakin in The Man from U.N.C.L.E. The mother is played by Carol Baker who had the title role in the erotic Italian film Baba Yaga

Age appropriateness- Older children and teens.

Where to find  it- DVD. It’s not available on any streaming services that I know of but you can usually find a decent version of it on Youttube.

-Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983)-  And yet another Disney film! This movie, based on Ray Bradbury’s book of the same name, is probably the darkest on this list. Two young boys are caught up in the machinations of a carnival that comes to town led by the enigmatic Mr. Dark (Jonathan Pryce who shows up again a little later on this list).

                Mr. Dark is an obvious Luciferian figure. The carnival, which had come through the town many years before, is really a means for trapping people’s souls by tempting them with their darkest desires and unfulfilled dreams. Mr. Dark has a crew of mysterious villains to help him including the seductive Dust Witch (played by Pam Grier).

                The film is ultimately an examination of evil, exploring its eternal nature and how easily it worms its way into our psyches. The film is rated PG. There is no nudity and nothing in the way of violence or profanity that stands out. However, I do think the threatening nature of the film would be lost on most kids. The idea of losing your soul is pretty abstract for the mainly concrete mind of a child. Very mature older children and teens might be able to appreciate it, though of all the films on this list, this is probably the most intellectual. Save it for that young deep thinker that you know.

Age Appropriateness- Teens and some older children.

Where to find it- You should have no trouble finding it on DVD, but probably won’t find it streaming.

Want to know more? Read a review here.


-The Witches (1990)- This dark fantasy was brought to us by the marvelous mind of Jim Henson based on the book of the same name by Roald Dahl.

                The story centers around a young boy who runs afoul of a group of witches. They turn him into a mouse and in this form he must work with his grandmother to defeat the witches who plan to do the same thing to other kids as well.

                This is definitely a fairy tale with all of the menace usually associated with that genre. The witches hate children and seem really happy about doing them harm. The film starts off with a witch killing a little girl just to make sure that you know what you’re getting into. If you know Jim Henson’s other works, Labyrinth and The Dark Crystal, you have a good idea of what to expect.

                For adults it stars Morticia Adams herself, Angelica Huston, as the head witch. This film was also made before CGI took over so you can marvel at all the things they used to do with good old fashioned practical effects.

Age Appropriateness- Entertaining for older children and teens, but would probably be really scary for younger children.

Where to find it- DVD and various pay to view streaming services.

Want to know more? Read a review here.



-Brothers Grimm (2005)- If you are familiar with the works of Terry Gilliam you know he always had a soft spot for mythology and fantasy and he could get quite dark and bizarre at times.

                In this tale, the Brothers Grimm (Matt Damon and Heath Ledger) are early 19th century ghostbusters only they are sham artists. They make fake hauntings and then charge ignorant villagers a fortune to get rid of the “evil spirits.” The tables are turned on them when they are tasked with solving a real supernatural mystery.

                An evil, undead queen (Monica Bellucci) is kidnapping young girls for a nefarious scheme. At her command is an enchanted forest, a huntsman turned werewolf and various evil creatures.

                This movie has some stunning, creepy visuals. It was beautifully made and really conveys the feeling that you are in a fairy tale come to life. It was rated PG-13 but that is mainly due to its disturbing visuals like when a little girl has her face stolen, or another girl is swallowed whole by a horse. There is no sex, profanity or gore.

                Adults can appreciate the layered storyline and the awesome cast. Not only does it feature Heath Ledger, Matt Damon and the gorgeous Monica Bellucci, it features , Peter Stormare (Fargo, Constantine) Jonathan Pryce (from Something Wicked this Way Comes, Pirates of the Caribbean, Game of Thrones) and Lena Headey 2 years before  she was the Queen of Sparta and 6 years before she was Cersei Lannister.

Age appropriateness- Some older children and teens

Where to find it- DVD and Blu-Ray and occasionally on Netflix.



-House (1986)-This is a classic from the video store era of horror. Roger (William Katt) has inherited his recently deceased aunt’s house. She always believed that the house was haunted and he has good reason to believe her. His son disappeared inside the house without a trace. Now Roger hopes to solve the mystery of his missing son. He has to deal with interdimensional doorways, monsters, and the vengeful ghost of an old Army buddy.

                The movie is scary at times but has a weird humor that takes the edge off; not really a dark comedy as much as a horror movie that embraces the absurd. There is no nudity and almost no profanity. There is a fair amount of violence but nothing that even approaches the violence of most modern video games. The movie is rated R but I think that’s due to  its frightening imagery.

                Adults will like its interesting story. Generation Xers will find a lot of familiar faces. William Katt starred in Carrie and The Greatest American Hero. It also features Richard Moll (Bull from  Night Court) and George Wendt (Norm from Cheers).

Age appropriateness- Teens and possibly some older children

Where to find it- DVD and Blu-Ray. As of this writing it can also be found for free on Tubi and various pay to watch streaming sites.


-Silver Bullet (1985)- A werewolf is terrorizing a small town. The only person to see the beast and live is Marty, a young, wheelchair bound boy. He enlists the help of his older sister and his uncle in an effort to uncover the monster’s identity and fight it.

                This is a fun movie but genuinely scary at times.  It has a Hardy Boys /Nancy Drew vibe. The climax of the film, which has the kids staying up late waiting for the werewolf would be a great way to cap off a night of staying up late to watch horror movies.

It has an R rating but there is no sex and little profanity. There is some gore but not that much. Ironically, it’s not the horror but some of the real world themes in the film that are more likely to be unsettling to a younger viewer. The film features some pretty down to earth subjects like family conflict, alcoholism, divorce, and suicide not to mention a very rocky relationship between Marty and his sister. I think this makes the movie all the better for some younger viewers who may see their life reflected in the lives of the protagonists.

                Adults will find a cast of recognizable favorites including Corey Haim, Gary Busey, Terry O’Quinn and Everett McGill.

Age Appropriateness- Teens

Where to find it- DVD and most pay to view streaming sites.

Want to know more? Read a review here.


-Sleepy Hollow (1999)- Tim Burton’s  movies usually have a heavy dose of the macabre but this dark fantasy is the only one of his films that is truly a horror film. It’s not an adaptation of the Washington Irving story, rather the film is inspired by it.

                In this story, Ichabod Crane (played by Johnny Depp from Ninth Gate, Edward Scissorhands) is a police inspector dispatched to the rural village of Sleepy Hollow to solve the mystery of various gruesome deaths. The village elders tell him that the culprit is The Headless Horsemen, an evil soldier from the Revolutionary War who has returned from Hell to claim heads. Crane insists that is just superstition and he believes that there is a rational explanation for what has happened.

                There is no nudity or profanity in the film. Its R rating comes from its gory violence of which there is a decent amount. I mean, it’s the Headless Horsemen. He cuts off heads. A lot of heads. There are some adult themes as well including a witch seducing the town minister but nothing that would be shocking if seen on network television. In fact, if it weren’t for the blood, the film could be shown uncut and easily get a PG rating.

                Of all the films on this list, this one has the most Halloween feel. It’s creepy and has a cold, autumn mood to it. The bleak cinematography adds to that as well as Danny Elfman’s score. It also stars Wednesday Adams herself, Christina Ricci.  If you have goth kids you’re spending Halloween with, this film is likely to be something they would enjoy.

                Adults will recognize a lot of the cast. Besides Depp and Ricci the film features Christopher Lee (Star Wars, Lord of the Rings and Dracula), Michael Gambon (the Harry Potter franchise), Casper Van Dien (Starship Troopers), Jeffrey Jones (Beetlejuice, The Devil’s Advocate), Richard Griffiths (also from the Harry Potter franchise), Michael Gough (Batman, Horror of Dracula),  Miranda Richardson (The Crying Game and yes, also the Harry Potter franchise), Christopher Walken (The Dead Zone, Prophecy), and the Emperor from Star Wars himself, Ian McDirmid.

Age Appropriateness- Teens

Where to find it- DVD , Blu-ray and most pay to view streaming sites.

Want to know more? Read a review here.

                Well, I hope this list helps.  Have a happy Halloween!


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